The ACLU of Utah plays an active role in creating and guiding policies that protect and expand civil liberties in our state. Today, years of hard-fought civil liberty protections are under threat — and to influence policy, we need everyone to get involved.
Advocacy, Policy, and Legislative Tools
Our Issues
Our fight to create a more perfect union and a better Utah by protecting civil rights and civil liberties began in 1958. Today the number of issues areas we work on has expanded; at their core, these priorities are essential in guarding the civil rights and civil liberties of people across Utah.
2024 Legislative Report
This year’s comprehensive legislative report highlights our challenging work during the legislative session to defend our civil liberties and civil rights in Utah. Start reading our report to discover how the Utah Legislature impacted your rights, liberties, and freedoms this year.
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Aren't sure who your elected officials are? That's no problem with our find my elected official's tool.